

09/2015: Barbara Speer - Fashion Show Innatex winter collection 2015/16


07 /2015: "The Tiger Mafia", magazine contribution at ZDF Auslandsjournal 


04/2015: Barbara Speer - Fashion Show Innatex sommer collection 2015


08/2014: Corporate Identity Movies for sustainable productions - Barbara Speer


06/2013: "Sellout of Great Apes", a documentary on the illegal trade in chimpanzees. On behalf of ZDF for Planet e.


04/2011: "Primeval times at Ghost lake" on ZDF Kultur.


12/2010: M4-Project Senckenberg: 4 Messel-Movies available on DVD at Senckenberg Museum and the visitor´s center at the Messel pit.


11/2010: " Primeval times at Ghost lake " at the Berg & Abenteuer Filmfestival in Graz, Austria, for the "Grand Prix Graz 2010" and "Kamera Alpin in Gold 2010".


09/2010: "Horse whispers" at Green Screen Festival in Eckernförde.

07/2010: "The film traveller" – a short portrait in the Frankfurter Rundschau.


07/2010: " Primeval times at Ghost lake " and "Ida completed": two up-to-date films on Messel at Senckenberg – new in cinema.


06/2010: Showtime... Premiere of "Ida completed" in the ballroom of Senckenberg with a subsequent welcome in the Dino hall.


02-05/2010: Production of "Ida completed – The story of a primate fossil from Messel" on behalf of Senckenberg society for nature research.


01/2010: Showtime... Messel: " Primeval times at Ghost lake " on ZDF environmental magazine



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